Here we go again! He must really like me. He lies about me even. I'm too pure for him. I don't use bad language and I have manners. He says I wrote to him using bad language to get him to add me to his blog roll. He's been wanting to add me for whatever reason. He has no manners and uses foul language all the time. I won't complain about it this time.
He even put adding me to his blog to a vote. The majority voted no. I even voted no. Dycko never does what he's told. He decided to add me. He even has me using foul language to get added to his blog. That wasn't me talking. Someone pretended to be me and use bad language. Any time you see me swearing its really not me. It's someone pretending to be me. I don't talk like that at all. I've even added him to my blog. I don't know about this, so we'll see what happens.
Strange. And a bit scary: the Clown sounds obsessed with you.
I kind of think he is. I didn't bug him or beg him to put me on his blog roll. In fact I voted against it, as did a lot of others.
...at least he seems to have a good dentist.
Sometimes Saintly Nick!
I'll have you know that Dyck is a God-fearing Christian man and that he views his blog as a means to minister to distressed souls everywhere. He even concludes many of his posts with the phrase "Mighty Dyckerson has spoken. Praise the Lord". So there. Lambie, consider yourself honoured to be part of Dyck's flock. Remember: he is presidential matter.
Anonymous Foam, Probably fake teeth.
Stan, HA!
I think the Clown has good taste--
You know Lamby--next week is my birthday (the 29th--) and I'm having a costume party.
I just happen to be dressing as John Wayne Gacy--the Killer Clown.
A scary costume party.
Oh sure, just play innocent on your blog. You save all the blue material for me. I don't know whether to be disgusted or flattered.
You wanted to add me all along, so that's what you did. Now go on and admit it. You'll feel better.
little lamb
Thank you, /t.
Just between you and me, Dycko saw I could make it on my own and wanted to join my group.
/t. you're just jealous. And most certainly not Mighty Blog affiliate material.
If I were you I would rise above it all... if you ignore them they go away.
YOU are a smart pooch, but that's how I got added.
It isn't so much what you say as how you say it!! Fowl language? Like chicken or goose???
Good point.
Some people will do anything for attention. Maybe it's some kind of weird compliment..
I think it is.
you're a popular person;)
Sometimes I wonder.
lambie poo - it'sall that rope skipping - it makes people crazy - though wait -where did the ropeskippinglambies go?
in the meantime - i think you protest too much about the use of foul language.
methinks there's a stench here.
what have you been up to lambie?
hmmmm....methinks birdie is on to something...methinks we have a wolf in sheeps clothing....
PS So sad to hear about your recent alliance with the dark side.
Bird, I've been doing what I always do, going to work, church, and school.
Pink, I never said I was perfect.
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