I will be on vacation for two weeks starting the 4th of May. My church is having a week long revival, which I'm looking forward to, and I will be relaxing the whole ttime I'm on vacation. I need it so bad! I might even job hunt while I'm relaxing. I already put in an application with the city of where I live for a Records Specialist with the police. They want someone with a high school diploma and one years clerical experience. I wonder if my schooling will cover that experience I need for that job? We hopefully will find out.
I check the city's website daily. In the beginning of the week there were a lot of jobs available. I checked yesterday and a lot of those jobs had been filled, so those jobs are no longer available. The Records Specialist job is still available. I really hope they call me for an interview and hire me and give me that chance I need to prove myself as an office worker. I'm always on time and very dependable.
My resume is up to date and so is my portfolio.
On May 20th I'll be getting my certificate of completion for Office Skills Technology. I'll be putting a copy of that in my portfolio.
I check the city's website daily. In the beginning of the week there were a lot of jobs available. I checked yesterday and a lot of those jobs had been filled, so those jobs are no longer available. The Records Specialist job is still available. I really hope they call me for an interview and hire me and give me that chance I need to prove myself as an office worker. I'm always on time and very dependable.
My resume is up to date and so is my portfolio.
On May 20th I'll be getting my certificate of completion for Office Skills Technology. I'll be putting a copy of that in my portfolio.

a copy of that
make your portfólio more interessing...more rich I mean
good luck to you,
a kiss for the luck ;)
All z best, n have a great holiday!
get 'em,
and i hope you find lots of time to blog while you're reviving & relaxing :)
<3 <3 <3
I have some mob connections in that town, along with a couple of folks in City Hall that have gambling debts. So I'll make some calls to make it clear that you get that job ... or else.
Ruela, thank you. I'll take that kiss. Here's one in return.
How Do We Know, thank you.
/t. There will be plenty of time to be online. I always make time for that anyway. Thanks.
Pug, I would really appreciate that. You'd be my hero forever!
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That's very pretty. I like it a lot. Thank you. Kisses
Have a nice vacation, and return safe and well :)
And good luck with the job situation too!
Blessed Be
Thank you, Indigo.
have a fun relaxing vacation..
and good luck with that job!
Officer Lamby!! There's a new sheriff in town, eh? Good luck! A week long revival, now that sounds like a hoot and a half.
Perhaps we'll soon read of Police Specialist LL, and from there....Chief Inspector LL?
Meantime, enjoy the break!
hey little lamb,
good luck with the job!
And pink might try to make me look bad in a lamb/food related incident, don't believe a word she says (i'm not saying she'll be lying or that it isn't true, just don't believe it :))
Remember, i'm the blogger that hasn't put any lambs on fire (yet ;-))
enjoy your vacation!
Foam, thank you, I will. I have a lot of relaxing to catch up on.
Phos, thank you. We'll see how it goes.
Skunky, perhaps. We shall see.
Paul, thank you. Food related incident? What food related incident? Oh dear, I missed something, or forgot about it.
So you're that blogger.
good morning...
ready for brunch?
i'm hungry..
all i've had is 3 donuts..
i could stand to go for something hearty now..
Good morning. I am. I'm having /t. bone steak and eggs.
Is that all?
hearty and hardy that is .. lol ..
where's my cup of coffee..
ha ha ha...
how bouts sharing?
well, I can see from the Lil Lamb at the bottom of the post that you're in full gear....
Go get em!
Foam, My /t. bone steak? Well, maybe, I'll think about it.
Boney, I'm waiting for them to call me. I will go to the interview. If they want ot hire me, I'll take the job. If they want me they can have me.
if they
want to have
a police bbq and
ask you to bring some friends?
¤ ¤ ¤
We'll all eat together. We'll have /t. bone steakes
will you
invite me, too?
i love /t.bone steaks!
¤ ¤ ¤
Sure, why not? Without you we can't have 'em!
i'm bringing the steaks, right?
and foam brings the beer...
¤ ¤ ¤
No, /t. that's not why you're invited. Foam may come if she wants.
be just for
my company then :)
<3 <3 <3
>8---:} )
Ummm, sort of. Maybe you better update your will, just in case.
Have a lovely, well-earned vacation!
Thank you.
i don't know about /t. bone steaks, little lamb ..
they are bound to be sinewy and tough.
i hear lamb chops are much tenderer.
if we eat /t. bone we might all need to make sure our wills are updated.
/t. bone steaks are very tender. I don't think we should eat innocent little lambs. They're cute and cuddly.
Dang it!
Paul got here before I did!
He's not as innocent as he looks. I've seen him eat minced lamb. Its true! I saw it in Belgium with my own two eyes!
MINCED!!! Do you hear me? M.I.N.C.E.D. Thats chopped up in little pieces! Oh the inhumanity!
Don't believe that sweet face. He's on the trail of silencing the lambs too!
t bone steaks are tender, but /t. bone steaks might be a whole different matter
Pink, He sounds like another /t.
Foam, Our /t. bone steaks will be out of this world.
Have a great vacation, Lambkins. And happy job hunting!
Thank you, Serena. :-)
i'll have a /t. bone steak then .. medium rare please ..
okie dokie.
come to romania...i'm sure you'll make a good teacher, LL...
don't be a policelamb...:);)
I don't know if I could teach English.
teach a-mar'cin!
so, LL, are you reviving or relaxing today?
¤ ¤ ¤
Actually both, but not at the same time.
from the wilderness
(south of the canadian border)
a - m a r ' c i n !
Ah, I see. It's a hard language to learn from what I hear.
a hard language to hear
from what i've learned...
¤ ¤ ¤
how so?
must be
those heavy
a-mar'cin accents
>8---:} )
So that's how you feel about us. canadians have heavy accents too, you know.
this look
like an accent to you?!?
it does.
that's because
it is ENGLISH and
¤ ¤ ¤
If you say so. Why don't you go to Romania and teach the children English?
but i <3 a-mar'cins :)
and especially a-mar'cin lambs <3
That's sweet. But you like us to eat.
that, too :)
¤ ¤ ¤
Baaa! Its a wonder you haven't eaten me yet!
kinda small...
but anyways, happy reviving, LL!
it pays to be little. Thanks.
Thought you'de like to know....
Mike Huckabee got a clean 10% of the republican vote in indiana....
Oh WOW! Thanks! Too bad it can't count for him.
How did the dems do?
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