I never know what to put on my blog. I do enjoy Bible verses and the Bible, and I do love smilies, but there's gotta be more to put on here. I've read other blogs and find them interesting.
I have an easy and boring job. I process and hang donated clothes for a non-profit organization. Doing the same thihg everyday, day in and day out, tends to get boring. No excitement there. I work with disabled people. Their disablities aren't so obvious, though. Most of them are very good workers except for one. He does what he has to do to get by. Everybody else pitches in, but you have to get this guy going if you want him to pitch in. He's always in India playing Cricket or someplace like that, or is deep in thought. When he's off playing Cricket he goes to differntt places.
I could tell you about the JUNK people donate. Ripped clothing, dirty clothing, half sewn or crotched items. You name it, they donate it. I really don't understand how someone could donate personal pictures that one takes with a camera, the type you keep in a photo album. I ask you, what do these people expect us to do with their pictures? We can't sell them, who would buy them? They donate personal letters, credit card social security card driver's licenses, you name it, they donate it. They even donatre garbahge, literal trash.
One person was donating stuff, probably clothes and shoes, and she said to me, Whatever you can't use get rid of. I said under my breath, why can't you get rid of it? Why can't these people donate good things they don't want anymore? One time someone actually donated a gun. I think we call the police in that case. One time someone found some pot and told the manager and she called the police and they picked it up.
These people also donate clothes on hangers and it drives us batty. It takes forever to get them off the hanger, make sure the clothes are clean and tag them and rehang them on our hangers.
I also go to college and am taking Office Technology and I go to church regularly, but I guess you'd have to be with me to appreciate my church.
So does anyone have any ideas what I could write about? I'm not much on small talk.