Tuesday, December 25, 2007


These are two of the things I got for Christmas...

My new camera - Now I have to learn how to use it. It comes with a huge book and it has a lot of things in there. It seems to me I can take movies and regular pictures. This may seem easy enough to you, but to me it's quite complicated. The book has a different name for every part of the camera and explains each part on a different page.
I love this massage cushion. I've been using it a lot. It gives me a much needed back massage that is so relaxing. My back gets sore during the day from standing and bending all day. On Christmas Eve night when I was trying to get to sleep I was having muscle spasms and had a hard time sleeping. Since using this massager they don't seem as bad.

Then I got various chocolate and coffee items. I made out pretty good if you ask me.

What did y'all get?


diana said...

i got the gift of watching my sons play with cousins they only see once or twice a year.

Pink said...

I got quality time with my dad and step mom, with my neices and nephew and with my sisters. Best Christmas gifts a girl could want.

Unknown said...

You will enjoy the massage cushion a lot. I have one; unfortunately I forget I have one when I need it most. I expect a whole lot of photos to be posted in the coming days. OK?

I got to give a lot of people a lot of presents that feels wonderful because I couldn't do that last year.

Little Lamb said...

Foam, that's real special, especially since they don't see a lot of each other. It was the same in my family growing up. My parents would bring us to where we were born and my parents grew up and the relations would get to see each other. Holidays were a special time.

Pink, I'm so glad you had quality time with family. That is special. Read what I wrote to Foam.

SSN, my cushion is where I sit all the time, in front of the computer. It's staying there because I plan to use it after work everyday. It feels so good.

We'll see about the photos. All I know right now is how to turn the camera on and off. It can't be that complicated, can it? We'll see.

Skunkfeathers said...

LOL...I got three gift cards, a box of stuff from the Popcorn Factory, and an unpredicted 10" snowstorm that complicated getting to, getting from, and the whole bloody day at work. Still, other than one recalcitrant family that I wound up having to figuratively toss from the facility (I am an "f***ing Nazi", according to the youthful matron of her ill-mannered tribe, a title I am proud to bear, far as she's concerned), the day went well. Glad to hear yours was enjoyable!

Pink said...

Lambie - unless its an SLR - point and shoot. Observe and try again. I think thats the best way to learn - and have fun! I love my little digital camera :)

Ruela said...

cool ;)

now massages for everybody ;)

Little Lamb said...

Skunkfeathers, I didn't get any gift cards this year. I love gift cards. My job usually gives them to us for Christmas, but not this year.

Pink, my camera can even take movies. It's cute and I like it.

Ruela, Only when I'm not using it. :-)

Anonymous said...


new toys
always are
fun to learn

of course now we are expecting lots more pics of you and the flock here on your blog :)


Little Lamb said...

That's what SSN said. So I have to learn how to use my new camera.

ANNA-LYS said...

I found You in a code poetry creation. Had 2 visit :-)
It seems like You got some funny discovery journeys ahead congrats!

Little Lamb said...

Thank you, I'm glad you came.

ANNA-LYS said...


No it wasn't me playing that music ... yeah OK I confess ... I played it on my blogmusicbox, but it wasn't ME ;-)

Little Lamb said...

A musical blog.

ANNA-LYS said...

I a way my dear Little Lamb.
I try to combine different art of communication into some kind of amalgamated igniting-spark to further dialogues.
Thank You very much indeed for visiting!!!

(( hug ))

Little Lamb said...

And thank you for visiting.

You seem to be a very talented lady.

darkfoam said...

where's the photos from the new camera..

Ruela said...

yes...we want some.

Little Lamb said...

Foam, I don't have a lot yet.

Ruela, I have to learn how to get them on my computer.

Corn Dog said...

COOOL! I never read those camera manuals. Is there anyone that can just show you how to use it?

Little Lamb said...

Unfortunately no. I do know how to take a picture with it, but that's about it. It's a start.