I like Hyundai's an awful lot. I have a Hyundai Elantra and love it! Mine is crimson red. Red is my favorite color. One day I decided I wanted a Hyundai Sonata. It's a slightly bigger car and I like the way it looks. To me, its a classy car. It comes with different options. I want the trip computer. I'm going to get a price on it when I get my 30,000 mile checkup tomorrow morning.
I had a used car with a trip computer in it and it told me how much gas I used and how far I went and I thought that was neat. It told me how much gas I had left and stuff like that. To me that's a neat toy.
Dad says to always buy a car on the lot. That way you can negotiate the price. I'm not looking to buy yet, but that's something to put in the back of my mind.
Also I read someplace that you should never let the car salesperson know how much your monthly payments will be. You should walk out of there witb the whole price you'll be owing them. I made the mistake of telling one salesperson how much I could spend, which wasn't a bad idea, because Hyundai was very fair with me and took good care of me. I'm planning on staying with Hyundai for life.
One thing that's never happened to me is I got money back for the second Hyundai I purchased for being a loyal customer.
I don't know when I'm going to buy this car. I'm planning on when the time comes to trade in my Elantra.
my car makes weird noises.
i think it's gonna break down soon.
Maybe you should buy a new one.
yes, maybe i should. my son is worried about this car. he's 16. he wants to inherit it.
my husband's car broke down today..
Oh no! That's horrible. Maybe he should get a new car, but you probably need one too. Maybe your son can fix your car for himself. Better start saving up for new cars. You can always get used if you need to.
maybe i should check out the hyundai that you mentioned although i really have enjoyed the subarus that i've driven.
not that i enjoy driving that much. but it's a necessity.
It is a necessity. If you like subarus go ahead and check them out, or you can check out Hyundai's. Go ahead and check out both.
i just might do that..
..enjoyed the blog hopping chat. i'm off to bed. cya...:)
Ok, I enjoyed chatting with you too. Good night.
I thought you drove a LAMBO-Ghini...or was that a Pontiac Trans-LAMB?
I forgot about those. Interesting.
My car is lime green - I don't know what kind it is - where does it say?
You don't know what kind of car you drive? Hmmmm, it should tell you what kind of car in one of those little books in your glove compartment.
Check with the Fleet manager - sometimes they can get you a better price than the salesman. I got both of my Hondas through their Fleet manger.
Glad you aren't leaving LL, it wouldn't be the same without you!!!!!! You can Blog whatever you want, it is your space!!
i like Little Lamb...she is cute ..
she must stay...
Phos, My father is very good at negotiating prices. He says if you pay the sticker price of a car, you'v paid too much. Dad is able to walk away if he doesn't like the price. When I'm serious about buying I can play dumb and zig dad on them.
Yes, it is my space and I can blog whatever I want.
anonymous, That is so sweet.
nice carrrrrrrrrrrr!
you know drive l.l.? ;)
Thank yo Ruela. I do drive. Thanks for visiting.
super Lamb ;))))
Wow, a new car in Lamby's future. That's terrific! It's so much fun driving a brand new car. I hope you get it soon so you can start enjoying it.:)
Ruela, :-)
Serena, thank you. It does seem like a nice car.
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